Hey, you, get off of my cloud.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Let May In

So here's an idea so crazy it just might work...

Harper should meet with Bill Graham and Jack Layton and offer to let Liz May run unopposed in the London North By-Election.

Getting May into Parliament as Green Party leader would show openness to a (relitively) new political party and an interest in the environment. May could be offered a position of Special Advisor to the Environment Minister or something similar that would allow her to join cabinet meetings on environmental issues and help draft an improved Clean Air Act (the existing one isn't selling).

This would form a friendship with the Greens that could hopefully be sustained. There are quite a few members in the Green Party (including Jim Harris and David Chernushenko) who are fiscal conservatives with a high concern for the environment. With Parliament as it currently exists we could use a friendly party. And if things go bad and the Greens continue their left turn we'll just let them bleed votes from the NDP.


Blogger James said...

I second the motion!

James O'Grady
University of Windsor

October 26, 2006 4:01 PM


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