Hey, you, get off of my cloud.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

What do Ted Byfield and Gerry Nicholls have in common?

Usually not too much, but this weekend they've both written articles I agree with. Now it's no surprise that I would agree with Gerry, although it is somewhat unusual that he's giving advice to the Liberal Party. Unfortunately for Canada, but fortunately for the Conservative Party, it's not likely the Liberals will take the course Gerry plots out for them.

As for Byfield he chips in with an interesting article in the Calgary Sun about how churches should be trying to increase their membership. I'm a card carrying member of Ted's 75%, but even I might be tempted to attend a sermon of the type he proposes.


Blogger Unknown said...

Technically, aren't you tempted to attend 365 different kinds of sermons in a year?
I mean, it's just that the bar is kinda low.

I'm just sayin'.

April 08, 2007 7:47 PM

Blogger Mac said...

I thought Gerry's article was less advice for the Liberals and more a drive-by smear on Harper and the Conservatives.

April 08, 2007 10:58 PM


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