Your Tax Dollars at Work
Having spent $48 million, no $58 million, wait that should read $68 million on an arena, $75 million to stop the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel falling into private (read evil capitalist pig) hands the city has no turned its attention to the next pressing issue - taxis!
And thank God the city is there to limit the number of providers, what they charge, how old the cars are and what shape the air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror can be. Who knows what might happen if the industry were to provide service based on supply, demand and consumer preference.
Limit the number of cabs, prices go up. Nobody rides the taxi, taxi drivers go broke. Yeah that's how governments run a business.
(real conservative)
April 17, 2007 1:10 AM
Reading the city's taxi regulations makes my head hurt.
April 17, 2007 4:49 PM
I'm waiting for fallout over the suspension of the driver who dared mouth "an inconvenient truth".
The Mayor and Police chief were embarassed and a head, any head, must roll.
Hope the guy seeks some kind of whistleblower protection (maybe through Joe Comartin who seems more interested in boycotting ice-cream stores to assuage the hurt feelings of a Chatham resident).
This driver should go after the company and the licensing commission and the city and police service; pulling one's livelihood is beyond draconian.
April 20, 2007 12:20 PM
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